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Visual mnemonic for the Japanese kanji 「高」 to make it easier to memorize and remember
高 - High
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高 - High
Index #150
Grade 2
10 strokes
JLPT Level: N5
Readings: コウ, たか・い, たか
Kanji Primes
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

たかい 高い
high, tall, expensive
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さいこう 最高
maximum, supreme
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たかめる 高める
to raise, to enhance
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こうとう 高等
higher, high-grade
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えんだか 円高
appreciation of the yen
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こうれい 高齢
advanced age, elderly
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こうげん 高原
plateau, highland
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こうきゅう 高級
high rank, high class
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こうおん 高温
high temperature
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たかまる 高まる
to rise, to increase
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こうそう 高層
high altitude, high-rise
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