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着 - Wear
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着 - Wear
Index #514
Grade 3
12 strokes
JLPT Level: N4
Readings: チャク, ジャク, き・る
Kanji Primes
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

きる 着る
to wear, to put on
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うわぎ 上着
coat, jacket
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きもの 着物
clothes, kimono
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きせる 着せる
to dress (someone), to put on clothes
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つく 着く
to arrive, to make contact, to settle
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みずぎ 水着
bathing suit
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おちつく 落ち着く
to calm down, to settle in
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おちつき 落ち着き
presence of mind, composure
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うすぎ 薄着
light clothing
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あつぎ 厚着
heavy clothing
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きがえ 着替え
change of clothes
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つける 着ける
to pull up, to park (a vehicle)
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