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< Grade 1 Lesson
目 - Eye
This is a pictogram of a sideways eye. You can see the outer part as the eyeball, and the inner part as the pupil.
Drawn by Saori

All Mnemonics (1)

目 - Eye
Index #64
Grade 1
5 strokes
JLPT Level: N4
Readings: モク, ボク, め

Common Vocab

まじめ 真面目
serious, sober, earnest
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もくてき 目的
object, purpose
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ちゅうもく 注目
attention, notice
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めだつ 目立つ
to stand out, to be conspicuous
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めざす 目指す
to aim for, to have an eye on
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もっか 目下
now, at present
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めうえ 目上
one's superiors, one's elders
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めした 目下
one's inferiors
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ききめ 効き目
effect, efficacy
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めじるし 目印
landmark, sign
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もくじ 目次
table of contents
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おめにかかる お目に掛かる
to meet, to have the honor of seeing (honorific)
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