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< Grade 1 Lesson
年 - Year
Once a year, I have to bend one stick to dry clothes. We do this once a year because, inevitably, the stick breaks :(
Drawn by Saori

All Mnemonics (1)

年 - Year
Index #33
Grade 1
6 strokes
JLPT Level: N5
Readings: ネン, とし
Kanji Primes
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

year, age
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ねんど 年度
year, school year
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としより 年寄り
old person, older councilor
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ねんかん 年間
period of one year
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としした 年下
younger, junior
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さらいねん 再来年
the year after next
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ねんねん 年々
year by year, annually
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せいねん 青年
youth, young man
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がくねん 学年
school year, grade
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ながねん 長年
many years, long time
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ぜんねん 前年
the year before
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れいねん 例年
normal year, average year
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ねんぱい 年配
age, elderly age
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せいねん 成年
majority, adult
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よくねん 翌年
the following year
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ていねん 定年
mandatory retirement age
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ねんが 年賀
New Year's card
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ねんし 年始
beginning of the year
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