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< Grade 2 Lesson
長 - Long, Leader
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長 - Long, Leader
Index #129
Grade 2
8 strokes
JLPT Level: N5
Readings: チョウ, なが・い
Kanji Primes

Common Vocab

しゃちょう 社長
president (of a company)
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こうちょう 校長
principal, schoolmaster
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かいちょう 会長
president, chairperson
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ながそで 長袖
clothes with long sleeves
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ながもち 長持ち
endurance, lasting long
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ながいき 長生き
long life, longevity
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ながばなし 長話
long conversation, talk for a long time
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ながねん 長年
many years, long time
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ながびく 長引く
to be prolonged, to drag on
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ながつづき 長続き
lasting for a long time
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ぶちょう 部長
section chief, department head
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えんちょう 延長
extension, prolongation
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きちょう 機長
airplane captain
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ほそながい 細長い
long and thin, slender
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ちょうしょ 長所
strong point, merit
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ぎちょう 議長
chairman, president
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がくちょう 学長
college president
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