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通 - Pass Through
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通 - Pass Through
Index #254
Grade 2
10 strokes
JLPT Level: N4
Readings: ツウ, とお・る
Kanji Primes
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

とおり 通り
passage, street
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かよう 通う
to go to and from, to frequent a place
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とおる 通る
to pass, to go through
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こうつうひ 交通費
traveling expense, transportation cost
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つうがく 通学
attending school, going to school
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つうか 通過
passing, passage
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ふつう 普通
normal, regular
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つうじょう 通常
common, ordinary
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つうきん 通勤
commuting, commutation
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みとおし 見通し
perspective, prospect
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つうこう 通行
passage, traffic
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つうじる 通じる
to pass, to communicate with
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こうつう 交通
traffic, transportation
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きょうつうご 共通語
common language, lingua franca
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つうしん 通信
correspondence, communication
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ひととおり 一通り
briefly, once over
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りゅうつう 流通
circulation, distribution
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ふつう 不通
interruption of service
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つうろ 通路
passage, alley
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つうち 通知
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とおす 通す
to let pass, to run through
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つうちょう 通帳
bankbook, passbook
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