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< Grade 3 Lesson
Visual mnemonic for the Japanese kanji 「身」 to make it easier to memorize and remember
身 - Somebody
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身 - Somebody
Index #555
Grade 3
7 strokes
JLPT Level: N3
Readings: シン, み
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

どくしん 独身
single life, celibacy
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さしみ 刺身
sashimi, sliced raw meat
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しゅっしん 出身
come from, origin
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body, one's own person
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なかみ 中身
content, interior
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みぢか 身近
near oneself, close to one
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みのまわり 身の回り
one's person, one's appearance
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みなり 身なり
dress, one's appearance
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みぶり 身振り
gesture, gesticulation
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うけみ 受け身
passiveness, passive voice
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ぜんしん 全身
the whole body
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