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行 - Go
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行 - Go
Index #308
Grade 2
6 strokes
JLPT Level: N5
Readings: コウ, ギョウ, い・く
Kanji Primes
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

おこなう 行う
to do, to carry out
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もっていく 持って行く
to take something somewhere
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きゅうこう 急行
express train, going in a hurry
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じっこう 実行
practice, execution
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つれていく 連れて行く
to take (a person) along
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はやる 流行る
to be in fashion, to be popular
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つうこう 通行
passage, traffic
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ぎょうじ 行事
event, function
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はっこう 発行
publication, issue
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こうどう 行動
action, conduct
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いきき 行き来
comings and goings, communication
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ゆくえ 行方
one's whereabouts
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へいこう 平行
parallel, side by side
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ひこう 飛行
flight, aviation
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こうらく 行楽
excursion, outing
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こうてい 行程
distance, journey
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こうい 行為
act, conduct
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ぎょうぎ 行儀
manners, behavior
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