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< Grade 1 Lesson
Visual mnemonic for the Japanese kanji 「立」 to make it easier to memorize and remember
立 - Stand Up
The horned one is able to stand up on a pot lid, completely balanced! He shows this talent to everyone in .

This character, the horned one, is the counterpart to our good friend, the big one (featured in ). The big one is a positive 1, while the horned one is a negative 1.
Drawn by Saori

All Mnemonics (2)

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立 - Stand Up
Index #69
Grade 1
5 strokes
JLPT Level: N4
Readings: リツ, リュウ, た・つ
Kanji Primes
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

たつ 立つ
to stand, to rise
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やくにたつ 役に立つ
to be useful, to be helpful
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たてる 立てる
to stand (something) up, to set up
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たちば 立場
standpoint, position
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たいりつ 対立
opposition, antagonism
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りっぱ 立派
fine, excellent
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くみたてる 組み立てる
to build, to set up, to construct
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めだつ 目立つ
to stand out, to be conspicuous
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やくだつ 役立つ
to be of use, to serve a purpose
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たちどまる 立ち止まる
to come to a stop, to halt
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しりつ 市立
municipal, city
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たちあがる 立ち上がる
to stand up, to take action
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とりつ 都立
metropolitan, Tokyo metropolitan
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せつりつ 設立
establishment, foundation
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たちなおる 立ち直る
to recover, to regain one's footing
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たてかえる 立て替える
to pay for another, to pay in advance
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なりたつ 成り立つ
to consist of, to be built on
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たてこむ 立て込む
to be full of, to be crowded with
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ゆうだち 夕立
sudden evening shower
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りょうりつ 両立
managing two things, having it both ways
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どくりつ 独立
independence, self-reliance
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そうりつ 創立
establishment, organization
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