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< Grade 2 Lesson
市 - City
A city is the only place that a pot lid shop and towel shop can survive. Such niche stores could never survive in rural places!
Drawn by Saori

All Mnemonics (1)

市 - City
Index #158
Grade 2
5 strokes
JLPT Level: N3
Readings: シ, いち
Kanji Primes
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

とし 都市
cities, urban community
しみん 市民
citizens, townsmen
しやくしょ 市役所
municipal office, city hall
しりつ 市立
municipal, city
しじょう/いちば 市場
marketplace, exchange
しがい 市街
the streets, downtown
しがい 市外
city outskirts, suburbs
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