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Index #319
Grade 2
6 strokes
JLPT Level: N3
Readings: カイ, エ, まわ・る
Kanji Primes
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

まわす 回す
to turn (something)
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まわる 回る
to turn round, to go round, to detour
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あとまわし 後回し
deferment, postponement
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まわりみち 回り道
roundabout way, detour
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かいすう 回数
frequency, number of times
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かいふく 回復
recovery, rehabilitation
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みのまわり 身の回り
one's person, one's appearance
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かいてん 回転
revolution, rotation
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かきまわす 掻き回す
to stir up, to agitate
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