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< Grade 1 Lesson
名 - Name
In the evening, when it gets dark, everyone has to use their mouth to speak their name, otherwise no one could tell who's who.
Drawn by Saori

All Mnemonics (1)

名 - Name
Index #57
Grade 1
6 strokes
JLPT Level: N5
Readings: メイ, ミョウ, な
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

みょうじ 名字
surname, family name
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かな 仮名
kana, Japanese syllabary
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じんめい 人名
personal name, name
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めいぶつ 名物
specialty, noted product
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name, reputation
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あてな 宛名
name of recipient, addressee
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なふだ 名札
name badge, tag
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めいしょ 名所
noted place, sights
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ふりがな 振り仮名
reading aid in kana characters
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めいし 名刺
business card, calling card
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めいじん 名人
master, master hand
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めいぼ 名簿
registry, name list
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なづける 名付ける
to name, to give a name to
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かなづかい 仮名遣い
kana orthography, use of kana
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