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切 - Cut
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切 - Cut
Index #327
Grade 2
4 strokes
JLPT Level: N4
Readings: セツ, サイ, き・る
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

きれる 切れる
to run out, to expire
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きって 切手
postage stamp
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しんせつ 親切
kind, friendly
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ふしんせつ 不親切
unkind, inattentive
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たいせつ 大切
important, valuable
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ふみきり 踏切
railroad crossing
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くぎる 区切る
to divide, to punctuate
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おもいきり 思い切り
to one's heart's content, with all one's might
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ねぎる 値切る
to bargain, to haggle
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いっさい 一切
not at all, not one bit
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しめきり 締め切り
deadline, time limit
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しめきる 締め切る
to close, to fix a deadline
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てきせつ 適切
appropriate, adequate
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はりきる 張り切る
to go all out, to make efforts
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しなぎれ 品切れ
run out, sell out
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よこぎる 横切る
to cross, to go across
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