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交 - Intersect
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交 - Intersect
Index #133
Grade 2
6 strokes
JLPT Level: N3
Readings: コウ, まじ・わる, まじ・える
Kanji Primes
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

こうつうひ 交通費
traveling expense, transportation cost
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こうさてん 交差点
crossing, intersection
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こうしょう 交渉
negotiation, bargaining
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こっこう 国交
diplomatic relations, national friendship
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まじわる 交わる
to cross, to socialize with
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こうつう 交通
traffic, transportation
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まざる 交ざる
to mix, to socialize with
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まじる 交じる
to be mingled, to be mixed
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こうさい 交際
association, friendship
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がいこう 外交
diplomacy, foreign relations
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こうかん 交換
exchange, bartering
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こうたい 交替
alternation, shift
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こうりゅう 交流
interaction, contact
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こうご 交互
by turns, alternatively
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