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Visual mnemonic for the Japanese kanji 「議」 to make it easier to memorize and remember
議 - Deliberation
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議 - Deliberation
Index #784
Grade 4
20 strokes
JLPT Level: N3
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

かいぎ 会議
conference, meeting
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ぎかい 議会
assembly, council
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ぎだい 議題
topic for discussion, agenda
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ふしぎ 不思議
mystery, wonder
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ぎろん 議論
argument, discussion
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きょうぎ 協議
conference, deliberation
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さんぎいん 参議院
House of Councilors, Upper House
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こうぎ 抗議
protest, remonstrance
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しんぎ 審議
deliberation, consideration
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しゅうぎいん 衆議院
House of Representatives, Lower House
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ぎちょう 議長
chairman, president
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