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< Grade 4 Lesson
Visual mnemonic for the Japanese kanji 「焼」 to make it easier to memorize and remember
焼 - Bake
Something smells amazing! Where is that coming from? What?? There's a vampire baking with a cursed eternal fire?

Is it bad if I'd totally eat it?
Created by Frankie

All Mnemonics (1)

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焼 - Bake
Index #735
Grade 4
12 strokes
JLPT Level: N2
Readings: ショウ, や・く, や・ける
Kanji Primes
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

やける 焼ける
to burn, to be scorched, to be baked
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やく 焼く
to burn (something), to bake (something)
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やきにく 焼き肉
grilled meat, barbequed meat
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やきとり 焼き鳥
yakitori, grilled chicken
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