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< Grade 4 Lesson
満 - Full
Oh, I feel so full! Yes, I ate the flowers and drank the water... Yes, both, why? Oh, this was for your grandmother? Sorry about that... *urp*
Created by Frankie

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満 - Full
Index #728
Grade 4
12 strokes
JLPT Level: N3
Readings: マン, み・ちる, み・たす
Kanji Primes
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

みちる 満ちる
to be filled, to expire
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まんいん 満員
full to capacity
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まんてん 満点
full marks, perfect score
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ふまん 不満
dissatisfaction, discontent
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まんぞく 満足
satisfaction, contentment
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みたす 満たす
to fill, to satisfy
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