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日 - Sun, Day
Just remember this as a pictogram of the sun. The cycle of the earth around the sun constitutes a day (this kanji has two main meanings).
Drawn by Saori

All Mnemonics (2)

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日 - Sun, Day
Index #31
Grade 1
4 strokes
JLPT Level: N5
Readings: ニチ, ジツ, ひ

Common Vocab

ようか 八日
eight days, 8th of the month
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ついたち 一日
1st of the month
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むいか 六日
six days, 6th of the month
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とおか 十日
ten days, 10th of the month
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ここのか 九日
nine days, 9th of the month
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ふつか 二日
two days, 2nd of the month
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よっか 四日
four days, 4th of the month
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みっか 三日
three days, 3rd of the month
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ようび 曜日
day of the week
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にち 〜日
days (counter)
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はつか 二十日
20 days, 20th of the month
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いつか 五日
five days, 5th of the month
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なのか 七日
seven days, 7th of the month
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あさって 明後日
day after tomorrow
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きゅうじつ 休日
holiday, day off
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sun, day
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きねんび 記念日
memorial day, anniversary
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しゅくじつ 祝日
holiday, festival day
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みかづき 三日月
new moon, crescent moon
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らいにち 来日
coming to Japan
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にちようひん 日用品
groceries, daily necessities
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ひあたり 日当たり
exposure to the sun
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ひざし 日差し
rays of the sun, sunlight
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きじつ 期日
date, due date
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ひにち 日日
date, number of days
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ひごろ 日ごろ
routinely, daily
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しょにち 初日
first day, opening day
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さいじつ 祭日
national holiday, festival day
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にっそ 日ソ
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にっすう 日数
number of days
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せんじつ 先日
the other day, a few days ago
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にっこう 日光
sunshine, sunlight
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にちべい 日米
Japan and U.S.
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にってい 日程
program, schedule
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ひび 日々
daily, every day
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しあさって 明々後日
three days from today
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にっか 日課
daily routine
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にっかん 日韓
Japan and Korea
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よくじつ 翌日
the following day
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ひのまる 日の丸
Rising Sun Flag, Japanese flag
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れんじつ 連日
day after day, everyday
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がんじつ 元日
New Year's Day
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