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手 - Hand
This is a pictogram of a hand, well I guess it would be if you had six fingers...
Drawn by Saori

All Mnemonics (1)

手 - Hand
Index #66
Grade 1
4 strokes
JLPT Level: N4
Readings: シュ, て

Common Vocab

てつだう 手伝う
to help, to assist
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きって 切手
postage stamp
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へた 下手
not good at
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からて 空手
karate, empty hand
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せんしゅ 選手
representative athlete
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にがて 苦手
person that is hard to deal with, weak point
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しゅじゅつ 手術
surgical operation
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てちょう 手帳
pocketbook, memo
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はくしゅ 拍手
applause, clapping
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あくしゅ 握手
handshake, handshaking
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てあし 手足
hands and feet, limbs
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てま 手間
trouble, time
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てほん 手本
model, example
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かって 勝手
selfish, self-centered
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ききて 聞き手
listener, audience
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ひとで 人手
hand, manpower
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てすう 手数
trouble, bother
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てつづき 手続き
procedure, formalities
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おおて 大手
major companies
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はで 派手
showy, flashy
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じょしゅ 助手
assistant, helper
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てあて 手当て
allowance, medical care
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てあらい 手洗い
toilet, washstand
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