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思 - Think
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思 - Think
Index #281
Grade 2
9 strokes
JLPT Level: N4
Readings: シ, おも・う
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

おもいだす 思い出す
to recollect, to remember
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おもいで 思い出
recollections, memory
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おもいきり 思い切り
to one's heart's content, with all one's might
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ふしぎ 不思議
mystery, wonder
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おもい 思い
thoughts, feelings
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しそう 思想
thought, conception
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おもいつく 思い付く
to think of, to hit upon
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おもわず 思わず
unintentionally, unconsciously
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おもいやり 思いやり
thoughtfulness, kindness
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おもいこむ 思い込む
to assume, to believe
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