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< Grade 1 Lesson
先 - Previous
In a previous era, we had to bend our legs (walk) on soil. Now, we just walk around on asphalt and concrete.
Drawn by Saori

All Mnemonics (1)

先 - Previous
Index #81
Grade 1
6 strokes
JLPT Level: N5
Readings: セン, さき
Kanji Primes
Compound Kanji

Common Vocab

ahead, first
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さきに 先に
before, ahead
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せんとう 先頭
forefront, head
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せんじつ 先日
the other day, a few days ago
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さいせんたん 最先端
cutting edge, forefront
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あてさき 宛先
recipient, addressee
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さきほど 先程
some time ago, a little while ago
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まっさき 真っ先
first thing, forefront
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せんたん 先端
edge, vanguard
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せんぱい 先輩
senior, superior
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せんぞ 先祖
forefather, ancestor
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そせん 祖先
ancestor, forefather
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