Deletion Request

Hello! We're so sad to see you go but if you'd like to delete your account and account data please follow the steps below:

  1. Cancel any and all uchisenPRO subscriptions! Whether that be from the web client or an iOS device, please make sure all subscriptions have been cancelled prior to sending a deletion request, as this is difficult to cancel after the fact on a deleted account.
    If you initiated the uchisenPRO subscription on the web client you can disable auto-renewal by going to this page and following the prompts.

  2. Make a request by copying and pasting the subject line and body into an email and sending it to

    Subject line:

    Deletion request for user:


    I'd like to delete my uchisen and uchisen Community account. I understand that my account will be deleted manually (usually within the next 5 business days). I have cancelled any uchisenPRO subscriptions I may have tied to my account.


    Feedback and/or comments (can be about anything!):

We just want to thank you for giving uchisen a try! If you have any other feedback please feel free to use the button in the bottom right corner of the website or send it to me at

Good luck on your Japanese learning journey!